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We are excited to announce that FemEng in Malawi is going virtual for the Summer of 2021! Due to the current circumstances, we have made the decision as a team to move our project online instead of delaying it any longer. This is not a decision we took lightly, however after much discussion and planning we have decided that this is the best option for this years project. It proposes an exciting opportunity to create a more accessible and sustainable programme and we hope that this transition means that our work can continue to provide outreach across the globe for many more years to come.

We are working closely with the team over at MUST to produce an outreach programme which will be delivered to hundreds of school children across Malawi to both educate and inspire. Exploring all the potential options for achieving this has opened our eyes to the opportunities the online world can present, and we are more excited than ever to get this project off the ground.

While our project may have changed slightly, our primary goals haven’t. We are still passionate about providing girls with the education and motivation they need to get involved in the world of STEM. We hope we still have your support as we delve into this new and exciting adventure. The team are really excited to see the project grow and come to fruition!

The FemEng in Malawi team :)

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